Caimans In The Water

Is the ecosystem of faction warfare inhabited by various different species of food chain dwellers? I think in some cases it could well be. But where do you rank yourself on the list is a question that I often find myself asking. I would like to think most of the PvP crowd out this way are somewhere near the caiman. Or at the very least I'd put myself and maybe the other solo hunter in this bracket.

This swamp where we crave our next meal is home to the staple diet of fish, small mammals, insects and birds that are all underneath us and can be compared in some ways to the plexers, farmers, mission runners, data site runners or whatever else swims through the murky waters of lowsec. One such example would be the little fish that is the stabbed plex farmer, squirming away from the snapping caiman and disappearing into the depths.

Due to the ferocious nature of the caiman he has few natural predators but of course there are other caiman basking on the river banks that he must be wary of. Further afield and navigating along the tropical rivers into the nullsec jungle we come across the jaguars who see themselves as one of the caiman's predators, and rightly so perhaps as the territory changes.

As we think about lowsec as this swamp we live in and nullsec as the surrounding jungle it becomes clear that maybe the balance isn't quite right when the distribution of meals is inspected further. Or is it? Would the swamp benefit from having more predators to swim with us? To make the PvP meal more rewarding, if you like or taking it one step further as more of a challenge. Sure, there's the odd piranha dipping his feet (erm, okay, fins?) into PvP and he is an aspiring crocodylian at heart, but he too will get eaten up along the way. This swamp needs something in between the low hanging fruit and easy meals.

This boils down to something far more greater than our swamp and jungle picture. The plexers, farmers and other swamp life need to wise up to the ways of this chaos and fight culture. There needs to be no easy feed for the little fish. In this context the loyalty points are little flakes of fish food only somebody tipped a large industrial bucket in there and the bucket doesn't have an end. As the caiman approaches the fish simply swim away to another food source. Slippery.

The fish need to morph into bigger fish and grow bigger teeth and their food needs to be worth fighting for. Of course, the fish might not see it that way as they are probably content with the caimans in the water, and I understand I am fully stacking the deck with this ideology.

Snap snap.



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